Friday, August 10, 2007


Ok i'm back and this time hopefully, I'll be staying for a while....staying referring to more consistent postings on my blog.

What better way to unofficially re-start my blog but to write about National Day. Ok, don't slam me for sounding patriotic but I like National Day, more so this year cause we got tickets to the Parade Preview last week. Well, in previous years, I just really liked the public holiday. But it was really nice that this year, Terelle attended her very first National Day Parade, and so did daddy.

It was great, was close to amazing. Giant floating stage, military display with planes, boats etc...the mass participation, the remote control was all just great. But nothing really beats the last part of the parade when the everyone was singing the national anthem (well maybe 75% of them were lip synching) but it's the thought that counts. It's at that point when the full sense of pride courses through your body and sends that tingling feeling all the way up to your head. And for the record, I sang through every one of those national day songs at the end (the retro ones which were written in the early 90s -> those were the best!!)

I love this country -> not so much for the horrible taxi drivers, kiasu practices, inconsiderate people who never gives up their seats on the MRT to my pregnant wife...but I make it a personal choice to see beyond these things.

For an unnatural Singaporean (I wasn't born here), I appreciate every blessing that this country provides for me and my family. It certainly beats the rampant murders, rapes, armed robberies, corruption and biased-ness in my 'home' country.

Many things to be thankful for, among them, the efficiency of this country, the fair-ness in opportunity for everyone and most importantly, I can go to work everyday, knowing that my wife and children are safe wherever they are and in watever they are doing.

I love this country -> enough to give 2.5 years of my life to the military service when I was 18 and another 2 weeks every year in reservist training since I was 21.

Happy Birthday Singapore -> there probably isn't another country in this world where I would want to raise my children.

However, retirement is another story.............................Switzerland, here I come!

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