Monday, February 05, 2007

Dugong Stranded in the High Seas

Ok, safely back from Bangalore in one piece. Had a good working session with the team there, and as usual, I do walk out of India feeling that the team has a good handle on things. May be a 'India' thing but the camaraderie within the team is just amazing. Sometimes wish some of that energy and can-do attitude can rub off on to my own species.

Indian food in India ->'s so totally different from those we get in Singapore, might be the atmosphere but whether north, south,'s just as good. Not good to stay beyond a week in India, I'll just be putting on the kilos....after the appetizers, I'm already filled up to my neck in excellent tandoori meat.

The year has just started but it already feels like I'm stranded on an off-shore island with an immense task on hand for the year - make the 500km trip back to mainland. Granted I have a rubber dinghy with a pair of oars at the start of the year, the task shouldn't be that bad...I mean i'd make it eventually, just a matter of time. Well, I just realised I've lost my pair of oars last week after paddling furiously for 100m. And to top it all off, I just found out that my stash of chocolate bars in my back pocket (which was suppose to sustain me for the journey) is rotten.

So here I am, staring at the most ardous journey in my career so far, with no oars and no chocolate bars. Chinese New Year just can't come soon enuff...