Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Here's the full list of my resolutions - and the reason I'm publishing them here is so that I can be held accountable for it, when I review the list at the end of the year. Hence, my decision to keep the list short...kinda counter-productive to make a long list and end up not keeping them all.

1) Read at least 12 books => average of 1 per month
2) Run my first half-marathon (21 km)
3) Keep to my workout schedule (in order to meet resolution (2))
4) Pass my IPPT (yes......it's a sad fact but it's true)
5) Achieve my work-targets (too long to list them out here-but they are achievable)

Didn't take me too long to work out this list, but took me slightly longer to think up of more items to add to the list. At least I have 5 items which i'm 100% committed to achieve this year. Oh well, publish first...think later...

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